April 4, 2024 - Volume 24.3
Path Toward a Flood-free Future*
The Snack Shack is 1 of 3 buildings prioritized to move out of the floodplain. Our memories surrounding the Snack Shack are warm, but the contents in the Snack Shack are costly. We can ill-afford to leave the Snack Snack in its present location. The contents are cooking equipment, freezer, refrigerator, an HVAC unit, and soft serve ice cream machine, and those are expensive items to replace when it floods.
At Family Camp this year we celebrate our 50th year of summer camps, and we aim to receive $50K. These funds allow us to retrofit the "Redbud Activity Room" to the new home of the Snack Shack. And we'll get a sign to match!
God has blessed CGC with:
- $1.5 Million in cash toward the new Dining Hall!
- a $500K loan at 4% interest
- $33,003 in TBAM donations (about $2K each month)
As a result of the 2019 and 2021 floods, the cost to repair, replace, and renovate the existing Dining Hall has exceeded $700K .
New Dining Hall
Best Way to Help With Dining Hall?
Become a member of the Ten Bucks a Month Club (TBAM). TBAM is the plan for servicing any debt incurred in the construction of the dining hall.
* Let's revisit the term "Flood-free Future." Of course moving our buildings out of the floodplain doesn't mean we won't have floods. We will. What is meant is that we will be free from the extensive repair costs due to flash flooding. Each flood has cost about $400K on average to make usable. So you can see how these two events on their own are responsible for the tough financial atmosphere. Think about how things would be had we been able to spend those funds to perform maintenance, make improvements, and invest in further campus beautification.
Construction Update
for Prayer and Reflection
PRAYER changes what we SEE...
and what we SEEK.
Each month CGC Chaplain Bob McKenzie shares a prayer letter.
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