March 20, 2023 - Volume 23.2                                                  Click to see "Bullet Points" archive

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Groups We Served in


  • Trevecca Nazarene University Religion Department
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
  • NewSong Teens
  • SPARK (children ministry leader training)
  • Hermitage Church of the Nazarene Women
  • Hispanic Ministerial Workshop







What would you think about retiring near Camp Garner Creek so you would live near a great place to volunteer?

by Finley Knowles

I'm serious. I want to share what a friend and I have done and float it by you as food for thought.

Lori and I have friends we've known for decades, Kevin and Loralee Kelsey.  We have talked for years about what we want to do in retirement. We agreed that we want to live somewhere with a moderate climate, with great church options, and a worthwhile place we can volunteer near where we live. Our desire to volunteer is so we can always be involved in things that are bigger than our own comfort.

We and our friends took action about a year ago. We each bought a lot in a new development, The Woodlands, eleven minutes from Camp Garner Creek. The Woodlands, in McEwen Tennessee, is a neighborhood with lots ranging from 2 to 7 acres. It is very much in the country. The lots are wooded. The elevation is high, i.e. no flooding. Each lot is ready for high speed internet. The acreage is about half the cost of what property in Dickson is selling for.

If you'd like to look into the Woodlands, I'll give you the name of the realtor we used. He knows the Woodlands very well. You can have your realtor contact him for information. His name is Chris Davis. You can reach him at

As a future neighbor in the Woodlands, I'm recruiting! Neither of us have any ownership in the Woodlands. It's just a place we think will be great for our retirement years whenever that time arrives. Feel free to contact me at my personal email if you have interest to explore the idea.




  • The log jam is over at the SBA. We are "closer" to receiving funding for the new dining hall complex. This low-interest loan is a huge answer to prayer.

  • Update for CGC's Chaplain, Rev. Bob McKenzie. Bob is now working with a doctor who knows how to treat his condition. This is an answer to prayer!

  • Bobcat/Skid-steer – We purchased a Kubota skid-steer recently. We thank God for the opportunity afforded us. Pictures to come!

As I look over our prayer list below, it's easy to see how each item relates to a lack of funding. Please don't tire of continuing to pray about these necessities. We are praying and waiting. God's timing will suit us just fine.


  • CGC is recruiting summer staff to work with our camps this year. Pray for the team that God will assemble. And help us spread the word at your church and in your network of friends. College students who have participated in the past tell us the summer in ministry is a difference maker.


  • Pray that the TEN BUCKS A MONTH Club will continue to catch on. TBAM is a very important part of our plan to repay the SBA loan once we begin making payments. You say," $10 won't really make a dent." I say, "Tell that to the $2,004 already coming in each month!"

  • Access (not ownership) to an excavator with a grapple. This goes a long way to help us deal with the lifecycle of our mature trees and wooded areas. It also is a necessary part of maintaining our creek. We can do A LOT in a few hours. (6-12 days/year)

  • Still need 2 well-maintained golf carts. A side by side would also work.

The floods have always taken out golf carts, and something else always takes priority when it comes to replacing them.

  • Still praying about funds to get the Youth Chapel back on line.

We have a group coming for Work Day on April 1 who will be cleaning up the Youth Chapel in an attempt to use it as an open air pavilion for camps this summer!


  • Arrive at 8 am and check in at Redbud dorm across from the Creekside Cafe (dining hall).
  • A flyer for each project will be posted, and you may pick the project(s) that most interests you.
  • Tools and supplies for each project will be on location at Redbud.


Prayer - At 9 a.m. CGC Chaplain Bob McKenzie will lead a prayer time in Creekside Cafe.

spring CLEANING - Tabernacle chairs

CONSTRUCT 5' benches - lumber, pattern, and hardware provided.

CHAINSAWS - Bring your chainsaw and a team or join up with an existing team. We have a lot of cutting and splitting to keep you busy. Oh, what fun!

log splitting - Chainsaw crews will create logs that need to be split for firewood. We have a splitter.

REPLACE POPPED NAILS WITH SCREWS - At Poplar and Johnson lodges there are a lot of nails that are backing out on the stairs, ramps, and decking. Let's pull those nails and replace them with screws.

Weeding / Mulching - The beds are ready to be weeded or sprayed, and new wood mulch will be onsite to dress it up.

Flowers - Several beds need flowers after they're weeded and before they are mulched.

deliver water to volunteers - If you can drive a golf cart, a couple of people would work well to make sure our volunteers stay hydrated throughout the day.

pick up grounds - Gather sticks and debris

You'll be ready for a break around noon, and lunch will be provided.




Click HERE to go to the online application.



Would you be a monthly supporter of

Camp Garner Creek?

The Ten Bucks a Month Club (TBAM) directs your gift toward the most pressing need of CGC: a Dining Hall at an elevation out of the floodplain. TBAM is the easiest way to give on a regular basis. Help us prepare for the future generations of campers!



GOD provides

   for His purposes in a

        variety of ways.

  It is not possible

     to pin GOD down and say,

"This is how it's done."



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Reserve your room or pay for meals for Family Camp. Click HERE..



Pay for meals. Plenty of dormitory space available. Add your name to the waiting list for a lodge room. Click HERE..


PRAYER changes  what we SEE...

 and  what we SEEK.

Each month CGC Chaplain Bob McKenzie prepares a prayer letter.

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From Rusty's Kitchen

Baked Oatmeal

10.5 oz of rolled oats

1 cup brown sugar

1 ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 ½ teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1 cup milk

2 eggs

¼ lb butter 

1 ½ teaspoon vanilla extract

 ½ cup cranberries, raisins, or nuts


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a large bowl, mix together all the ingredients and place in a well sprayed shallow pan.
  3. Bake for 30 minutes in a preheated oven.


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