August 31, 2023 - Volume 23.6 Sign up for email alert for new BULLET POINTS
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CGC's 2024/25 calendar fills up fast, but if you want to take advantage of one of the open weekends for next year, we are happy to block out space for your group. Takes these dates to your group's planning committee.
March 8-10
March 22-24
March 30-Apr 1 - Easter
April 11-12 - Mother's Day
Sept 6-8
Sept 13-15
Sept 20-22
Sept 27-29
Nov 8-9
Nov 15-17
Nov 22-24
Dec 6-8
Dec 13-15
Jan 10-12
Jan 17-18
Jan 24-26
Jan 31-Feb 1
Feb 7-8
Feb 14-15
Feb 21-22
Never tire of making our requests known to the Father. We are not begging. We are making our heart transparent. God's will be done.
The floods have always taken out golf carts, and something else always takes priority when it comes to replacing them.
When the Unseen iS the
Most Important
If the proverbial alien read this newsletter, said alien would think Camp Garner Creek (CGC) is all about construction and money.
It's true that construction and money have been in the spotlight a lot since our floods, but to connect CGC's identity to such would be an error.
So, alien being, make sure you read this. This is what's most important. From the core of its being CGC "exists to provide a beautiful place of refuge for the Body of Christ to experience meaningful connection with God and each other." The statement of vision goes on to say:
Through camps, retreats, conferences, events, and assemblies because God set this place aside for Kingdom purposes, thousands of people will hold this place in their hearts as a familiar path on their spiritual journey. By fulfilling its mission, CGC participates in establishing Christ's kingdom…on earth as it is in heaven.
Our mission/vision is personified when people are on campus proclaiming the name of Jesus, loving and praying for one another, knowing and loving God, and bolstering their faith to follow Jesus when they return home from the event that brought them to Dickson, TN.
So dear alien friend, I would highly value a few moments of your time to talk to you about the God Who is worth all of this.
Maplewood Cabin
---- U P D A T E ----
We passed all of our inspections and are now ready to begin the finishing work! Ready for use in 2024!
A Wonderful Surprise!
Gift Special Offering for New Maplewood Cabin
When the Columbia and Clarksville Mission Zones met the last Sunday night in August for a combined worship service, a love offering for the new Maplewood Cabin was part of their worship. This group gave $4,828!
Thank you so much for including Camp Garner Creek in your plans!
TBAM giving annually or monthly...
TBAM donors are making a big difference!
GOD provides for His purposes in a
variety of ways.
to pin GOD down and say,
"This is how it's done."
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PRAYER changes what we SEE...
and what we SEEK.
Each month CGC Chaplain Bob McKenzie shares a prayer letter.
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